7 Marketing Tricks for a New Brand to Get Noticed Faster

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Businesses have to start from scratch, which is something they all have in common. At this stage, they often face the hard task of building brand awareness. Unsurprisingly, trying to build a loyal customer base and get consumers to develop trust in the brand can be a tough and grueling process.


More than closing a sale, the goal of a new business should be to focus on retention. Getting a customer to purchase your product is one thing; to keep them coming back is another. Hence, it’s important that you pick the right marketing strategies to position your brand to get the best results.


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Here are seven ways to increase brand awareness.


Develop a unique identity


Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/GOMhuCj-O9w


The best way to get attention is to create a distinct brand identity. At this juncture, it’s not so much about your products or services but how you present yourself. Ideally, your brand should have a character or persona. Depending on your industry, it could be funny, witty, informative, or edgy. It really doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t cross the line into being inappropriate.


Developing a brand identity can take a lot of time and effort, especially if you’re a student entrepreneur. If you need help in college admission essay writing service, order an essay from EssayHub to get assistance with your assignments. It’ll take the pressure of missing deadlines off your back, and you’ll be able to develop your brand voice.


Incentivize Referrals

A referral program is a great way to get customers to market your business for you. It works by rewarding your customers for referring other people to your business. For instance, if you run a VPN subscription service, you can offer one month free to your customers for every new referral that signs up for your service. It’s a great way to incentivize consumers to be your brand advocates that benefits both of you.


Hone in on your target market

Consumers go through four stages before making a purchase decision, as demonstrated in the AIDA model:


  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action


Most new businesses fail to create relevant brand awareness because they market to the wrong audience. While it may seem rational to center your marketing campaign around a wide pool of consumers, it’s actually inefficient. It’s best to narrow it down by targeting a specific audience with a particular set of attributes that would align with your business.


By following this principle, you’ll increase the likelihood of your potential customers having an easier time making a purchase decision. This is why creating a buyer persona is recommended before you begin advertising.


Start a newsletter

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways of building awareness. You’re able to personalize your messaging to each person, and it goes straight to their inbox, so you are sure they’ll see it. A great place to start is by building a mailing list and sending out a weekly newsletter with useful insights and information that’s of value to your readers.


For instance, if you’re a financial consulting firm, you can send out weekly business news and stock trends. You could then list your services and add a call to action within the newsletter for readers to reach out if they wish to speak to a consultant. The conversion rate of emails is really high if you position yourself strategically and consistently offer value to consumers.


Work with influencers

Running online ads can be great, but sometimes they don’t yield the best results, given the ever-changing nature of online platforms. To mitigate this, it’s a good idea to work with influencers to build brand recognition. Consumers are more likely to pay attention to what their favorite influencer is saying about a brand than when it appears as an ad on their feed.


They’ll likely scroll past the ad but stop to watch a video an influencer their following has posted. Using the right influencers can help your business quickly build recognition and amass a respectable following.


Double down on SEO and content marketing

Search engine optimization is the backbone of online marketing. It ensures your business is in front of the right people at any given time. This often involves optimizing your website for the best user experience and providing content consumers find useful by targeting relevant search terms. When SEO and content marketing are done right, they have a profound effect on brand recognition and, ultimately, sales.


Get featured in large publications


Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/QJtyomGCYGw


Platforms with a huge following can be a good source of publicity for your company. This could be in print or online media. Ideally, you should work on building good relationships with editors from large publications to get a write-up about your company.


For instance, journalists frequently source relevant information from subject matter experts when writing an article using platforms like Help A Reporter Out. You can sign up and offer your expertise within your industry, build relationships by regularly contributing, and eventually request an interview or write-up. Getting featured in a big publication like Forbes or Business Insider can drive consumers to your website and increase brand awareness.


Final Thoughts

Building brand awareness is a challenging feat, especially for new businesses. Many methods are available, but it’s crucial to have the right approach. A bad strategy can cost a company a lot of time, effort, and money. Take the time to identify consumers who would see the benefit of what you offer and choose the right avenue to reach them.


Additionally, if you’re running a business while still in school, hire an essay writing service to help you take care of your coursework. You’ll be able to dedicate your time to growing your business and brand recognition.

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Categories: Marketing