Zero Communication Alignment

Blueprint to Real-time Sales and Marketing Collaboration.

What Is This eBook About?

In a traditional setup, Marketing would generate demand and leads and sales would be in charge of closing. This has changed with data-driven marketing as marketing and sales now need to work more closely.

While many companies suffer from misalignment, companies who have sales and marketing alignment often suffer from unproductive collaboration. This means frequent meetings for data and information exchange instead of idea generation, critical thinking, and innovation.

This ebook not only lays out a blueprint for sales and marketing alignment but also helps you automate two-way information exchange not only for sales enablement but also for marketing enablement. And, while information exchange and operations are automated, sales and marketing can work on the bigger picture.  

Features of This eBook:

A blueprint to automate real-time information transfer between sales and marketing that helps sales close more details and marketing engage customers better.
A universal workflow that is compatible with your existing sales and marketing tools and CRM.
Industry reports and data on sales and marketing alignment.
Insights from industry experts.
Real-life examples and strategies of alignment shared by businesses like yours.
An infographic to refer to.
Precise information shared in less than 6500 words.


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