
Real-time Communications
Chat Software

Salespanel’s Slack integration helps you automatically notify your sales team about marketing qualified leads and high value prospects in real-time. Help you sales team follow up with precision and close more deals.

What is Slack?

Slack is a messaging platform that is commonly used by small and medium sized businesses for team communication and collaborations. Slack has over 10 million daily active users and more than 85,000 companies use their premium plans.

What can I do after integrating Slack with Salespanel?

Notify sales team about companies who have been identified from your website and match your ideal customer profile.
Notify sales team about individual leads when they perform a desired action.
Notify sales team about marketing qualified leads.
Automatically provide insightful lead data to sales team directly on Slack.

How do I get started with Slack integration?

Salespanel can be easily integrated with Slack with a free Zapier account. In case you are not familiar with Zapier, it is free software that can help you set up a workflow between Salespanel and Slack in a few minutes. No coding skills are required.

To get started, open Workflow Automation settings from the Plugins & Integrations section on your Salespanel dashboard and follow through the Zapier setup process.

During the setup process, you will be provided three trigger options for Salespanel:

Contact Identified: This will notify your sales team when a lead signs up from a webform, live chat or email marketing campaigns.

Visiting Company Identified: Will notify your sales team when a company visiting your website is identified.

Contact is Qualified for a Feed: Use this option to notify your sales team about qualified leads, high value companies, etc.

After you select your trigger option and complete the rest of the steps, you will need to press the + button and choose Slack. The two options that are useful for you are Send Direct Message and Send Channel Message. The former will send a notification to one person while the latter will send notification to a communication group.

With this integration, you can notify regional teams about regional leads, pass on MQLs to sales, notify sales teams about leads who cross a desired lead score or notify sales about desired companies who are on your website in real-time. Help your sales team follow up with your leads in precision and close deals quickly.

How do I get started with Slack integration?

You can activate the Slack integration from here.

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