Salespanel Podcast On

Sales and Marketing Alignment, Early-Stage Team Building, and the Entrepreneurship Bug


Siddharth Sharma from

Sales and Marketing Alignment, Early-Stage Team Building, and the Entrepreneurship Bug
Sales and Marketing Alignment, Early-Stage Team Building, and the Entrepreneurship Bug

In a traditional setup, marketers would bring leads and sales would close them. With the shift to data-driven strategies, businesses are now having a unified sales and marketing approach where these independent units work together and work towards the common goal of revenue. But, how do sales and marketing teams actually stay aligned? How do you scale your team while keeping the alignment? How do you connect marketing efforts to revenue?

Siddharth Sharma, Head of Marketing at, joins us to talk about his experiences with alignment and team building for early-stage marketing teams. He is a seasoned marketer with a career spanning over 12 years and has also led marketing in companies like Karix and Clevertap. Siddharth also shared with us his journey of transitioning from B2C to B2B and staying on track after a failed entrepreneurial venture.

Key Discussions:

  • Transitioning from B2C to B2B. Key challenges for a marketer.
  • Deep dive into marketing automation and personalized website content.
  • Tracking KPIs to avoid sunk cost fallacy in entrepreneurship.
  • Reasons for sales and marketing misalignment.
  • Sales and marketing alignment with revenue.
  • Scaling teams and delegation struggles of young leaders.

PS- Read our free eBook on sales and marketing alignment.

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